Health Event


(18th September 2022 – from 9am to 6pm EDT)
Online Event On Zoom

Health Event Donate

Shalom to you,

We pray you are well, and may His Name be praised and lifted up on high for He is worthy to be praised.

We have been inundated to put on an event on health and we are so excited to do this. We want His people to take back their health into their own hands with NO FEAR and we know you can do this without being fearful.

United in Yah is presenting one of the most important events of all times – A Health Event – When there is No Doctor/hospital what will you do- Come to the Event and find out how you can save youreslf and family.

During this event you will learn how to deal with serious situations, heart attacks, strokes, broken legs and arms, how to do stitches and stop bleeding and so much more. We want you FREED from bondage, to enable you to do this yourself.

This event is on donation bases only, funds going to a US based food and basic needs co-op.

“Who is like YHWH our Elohim, Who is enthroned on high?
He looks down on the shamayim and in the earth;
He raises the poor out of the dust, Lifts the needy from a dunghill,”

Tehillim / Psalms 113:5-7

This is being done for believers so that they do not have to walk in fear. A time is coming when there will be NO Doctors or hospitals for any help, and this is why this Event is so urgent and important for you and your family. This is aimed toward giving you the information to rescue your health and that of your loved ones -that is why we are putting it together.

There has never been an Event like this for believers by believers with speakers who are all professional, and experts in their fields, each with decades of expertise. An Event like this would cost hundreds of dollars if you had to go and see these experts individually, so kindly support this to enable us to help those in need of food and basic needs in the USA.

All speakers for this Event will aim to instruct with easy-to-understand language with down-to-earth, real solutions to get your life in order and equip you to release you from reliance on a world’s system of healthcare.

One would pay a lot more to see experts similar to the lineup we have arranged, and likely never get a real solution to your Health issues, as the pharmaceutical way will lead you into further illness and reliance, as it is not in their interest to heal you as there is no money in healing or curing an individual. The Scriptures give us strong warnings not to trust in pharmkeia, and those in Scripture who did not trust in Yah didn’t fare well…

Again, kindly be considerate when you donate, as the funds go to a food Co-op that will help many with essentials in the USA. Kindly let all you know, and even those you don’t, know about this most important Event. You will get more information, solutions and hands-on advice from 8 professionals who have given their time freely and sharing information that will change your life and enable you and your family to save a life.

This is a one day Event that will allow time for questions after each expert shares. Although this Event will be recorded and offered for donation to those who cannot make the date, the advantage of joining live will be that you might have the opportunity to have your personal question addressed. We advise you to donate for a ticket now and if you cannot attend we can issue you a free download.

During this event you will learn how to deal with serious medical situations: heart attacks and heart issues, blocked arteries, strokes, broken limbs, type two diabetes, gut, bowel, liver, thyroid and many other health issues. Other topics include; eating the Biblical way, what is in your food, GMO & labelling, raw food advice, nutrition expertise, essential oils, survival in hard times, herbalism and much more!

Along with the speakers, there is also an army field medic sharing how to deal with the following:

Serious bleeding, gunshot wounds, shock treatment, punctured lungs, emergency first aid, applying pressures/tourniquets, poison and infections, dehydration, wound dressing, deep cuts, to just name a few.

“Baruk are the perfect in the Way, Who walk in the Torah of YHWH!
Baruk are those who observe His Witnesses, Who seek Him with all the heart!”

Tehillim/Psalms 119:1-2

James Block (music), Lucinda Robinson, Paul Nison, Dr. Darrell Carr, Stacey Fitzgerald, Shanna Carlan, Ernest Hoppe, Cheri Brannon and a Medical/Natural Doctor, Field Medic, Naturopath and YES a midwife.

There is a time you will not be able to get medication if you are on a prescription, for a time is coming soon where this will be impossible. Ask yourself, if this happens, what will you do? How then will you deal with your family’s health and medical issues?

Many of you remember in a number of countries that turned away certain people and non-conformists from hospitals and treatment when the lockdowns where in place. This is why you need this Event, so you can take back control without fear. Believe it or not, the Father has given us everything to help us heal and repair.

Tickets will likely go fast for this Health Event, so we advise not leave it too late, as the event is not to far away and the Events take a toll on our small team. The enemy hates Yah’s people to be knowledgeable and tries all he can to attack and take out team members, so we really need your daily prayers over the volunteers and the speakers and singer.

We pray you find it in your heart to see the work we are trying to do.

You are not funding wages or personal material things, as we take this work very seriously and want to get this co-op established as soon as possible.

We cannot do this by ourselves. We are all volunteers, working very long hours, so need all the help we can get from believers like you. Can you please help us spread the word about this special Event with all your friends and on your social media pages. Again, we are only a small team and need all the help we can. If you can also contact as many people as possible you know and don’t know to share about this special event, that would be very much appreciated.

Can you share in online chats, website pages and on your social media pages. Kindly share with those who have a following and ask them to promote this Event for it will benefit many.

Ticket Link:

United in Yah – YouTube:

United in Yah – Website:

United in Yah – Facebook:

Thank you,
The UIY Team – All Volunteers Working Freely In This Ministry

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