As the name of our group suggests, our aim is to bring believers in Yah and His Son together in unity, putting aside our minor differences, to encourage, build each other up and to ultimately let our lives in every way – body, mind and spirit – be an offering to our Almighty Father, Yah.

Along with the all-encompassing praise and worship Events which we have been hosting for over two years now, we have put on a couple special Events to raise funds for specific charities and needy believers around the world. The first was Battle Cry – a two day webinar and the second – Health Event, both well supported and those who joined really got a lot out of them.

We have recognized a real need for Brothers in Yah to come together and receive encouragement and glean wisdom from some prominent men in the Messianic walk and are planning an extra special Event specifically aimed at men and the issues that face them in this day and age.

This world is growing more wicked by the day and not only is evil on the increase with certain temptations facing men in particular, but the world and it’s system is deliberately targeting men and chipping away at the order and family structure that Yah instituted from creation. Emasculation and ridicule of men with pornography and lust and gender confusion throughout every sphere of life!

It is time for the men of Yah to come together and make a united stand in defense of the Biblical truth and put aside all baggage that weighs us down or distracts us from the Command to live lives qodesh (holy) before Yah and focus on using our lives and talents to be instruments in His hands as we approach the Last Days.

If you are serious about wanting to change your life and clean your life up and follow His Truth and get out of bondage then this Event is important for you to attend. If you want to be a better husband and father then this event is for you. If you do not have these issues then this event is for you so you can help others who are struggling and who need to turn their lives around.

Whether or not you feel we are in the Last Days or not, this Event will help many men with information and equip them to be better “soldiers” in the battle against the rise of the wicked and hopefully inspire many to use whatever spare time they might have to get out into the fields that are white for harvest.

We aim to cover a number of important issues in this one day Event, from physical advice to spiritual wisdom from the Word and every man will find something they can add to their arsenal of knowledge or at least get a refresher on a number of topics.

Each speaker will also be fielding any questions you may have following their discussion and you will likely find that a number of men share the same struggles and have similar issues that each can be part of the Body of MessiYah in playing their part and encouraging one another in the Belief.

With this particular Event, to join requires a voluntary donation, with all proceeds going toward Sabbath Keepers Prison Ministry and HalleluYah Scriptures Prison Work.

Remember that this Event will be hosted on Zoom which can only cope with a certain amount of participants, so don’t be too slow in joining up, as we wouldn’t you want to miss this extra special one-off Event!

Speakers so far more coming soon.
James Block, Selah Music, Lex Meyer, Unlearn the lies, Paul Nison, Torah Life Ministries, Luke Abaffy, The Way Doc, Lucas Cameron, Sounding The Loud Cry, Robert Lew, United In Yah, Sabbath Keepers, Dr. Shalom

Topics – and so much more.
Building men up to be real men, marriage and divorce, Circumcision, Survival, Dealing with pornography, lust and modesty, Finding the right wife and relationships, Hunting and dressing an animal, preparing and providing for your family, Self Défense skills, encouraging and uplifting brothers.

If you have any questions kindly let us know. No life styles being funded.

No individual speaker necessary agrees with other speakers or singers doctrines or opinions. Please do not judge these speakers/singers on other peoples opinions.

Thank you,
The United In Yah Team

Click On The Icons To Visit The Speakers Page

Luke Abaffy
Lucas Cameron
Sabbath Keepers

Free limited Editon Rare Items Offered To Those Who Donate The Following:

(Some of these items are so rare and limited - Read more by clicking on the images below)

1. Vain Traditions Book - Vain Traditions Book (Hardcopy for USA only and free download outside the USA) - This book has opened many eyes. Donate $50.00 and over and you receive a copy of this book.

2. HalleluYah Scriptures Torah Book & Messianic Prophecies Book. Donate $75.00 to receive these books.

3. T Shirt - Small, Medium, Large & XLarge - Limited Numbers. Donate $100 and over to receive a T Shirt.

4. James Block 5 Downable Albums. Donate $150.00 and you receive the downloads

5. Ultra Rare & Limited Edition to 500 ONLY. The 4x4 all in one Edition, English, Modern Hebrew, Paleo Hebrew & Pictographic Hebrew Edition Bible. There is no other edition like this in the world - 4 languages in one. Donate $600 and over and receive this special edition.

6. Ultra Rare mosaic stones dated from the Saviors time from Mount Zion. They come with the Name of the Father in Paleo Hebrew with velvet bag and certificate. Donate $1000 to receive one set of these.

Kindly mention what you want in the comments box of the order form below.

Thank you,
The United In Yah Team

If you have having an issue with the order form kindly email us at:

Brothers Event Download Form

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